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No-Knuckling Training Sock helps dogs pick up their feet when knuckling under or dragging their rear paws.

  • Provides corrective paw placement
  • Ideal for in-clinic use by veterinarians and canine rehabilitation professionals, the Walkin’ training dog sock was designed by Renee Mills, VT, CCRP to help dogs with IVDD, DM, Wobbler’s (CVI), FCE, Cervical Disc Disease, and Neurological disorders causing knuckling of the rear paw.
  • Great for at-home exercise in between therapy sessions. Consult with your veterinarian or canine rehabilitation professional before using this temporary training tool.
  • Lightweight, comfortable, and adjustable
See this article for tips and trips on providing traction and safety in the home. Keeping your Senior, Injured, or Weak Dog Safe in the Home
What are your choices for dragging paws or dogs that knuckle?
There are many conditions that result in weakness/knuckling/dragging including DM (degenerative myelopathy), sciatic nerve injury, and disc disease. If you have a pet that's dragging and you want a device to help them get around, the most important thing to remember is that the device should be lightweight (they are already having trouble moving and can't handle anything heavy) and that it is "assistive" (it either helps them directly OR it helps you to help them).
A harness is "assistive" - it helps you help them get around. A harness is a must-have because these pets need help getting up, standing, and/or walking. So scrap the collar and opt for a comfortable, lightweight, padded harness. Next . . . what can be done to reduce knuckling? Yes, I'm getting to that :-)
To figure out the best device for your pet, you have to determine their current ability as well as their prognosis. Does your pet have an injury and is improving or is this a progressive condition? For pets that are improving, you may be able to get away with a device that is less "assistive". For pets with a progressive condition, like DM, then you are looking for a device that's more "assistive" and can possibly be modified to increase assistance when the pet needs more help. Below is a quick description of different devices and their recommended uses:
The No-Knuckling Sock reduces knuckling of the toes. It is meant for short-term use (a few minutes at a time). Dogs should be strong enough to flex the knee and bring the hip/leg forward. This device is ultralight, leaves the toes free, and and is made for either to front or hind paw.
The Toe-Up Sling reduces knuckling of the toes. It is similar to No-Knuckling Sock and allows the paw to remain uncovered. Both devices require that dogs be strong enough to flex the knee and bring the hip/leg forward.
The Hindlimb Dorsi-Flex Assist reduces knuckling of the toes and helps to flex the ankle. It offers paw protection via the boot, and can be worn for up to a few hours at a time. Again, this device requires that dogs be strong enough to flex the knee and bring the hip/leg forward. This is a prescription item that needs to be ordered by a veterinary professional and can be made for the front or back paw.
The Biko Resistance Bands are used for dogs that have whole hind leg weakness. It helps to bring both hind legs forward during walking. It does not cover the paw; the ankle cuffs are attached to a harness using the elastic resistance bands.
There are variations and modifications to the above devices - contact your veterinary rehab professional for more information.
Instructions & how to measure

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