A personal note from us to our dedicated Veterinary Professionals
Dear veterinarians, therapists, techs, and nurses:
We are so grateful for the dedicated care you bring to the animals we love. We value what you do and how well you care for our pets . . . It’s our turn to give back – and to show our appreciation, we’ve created this website.
The Vital Vet website was built with you in mind. Use Vital Vet as a guide to help you help your patients and clients. We hope it makes your life easier by saving you time and providing an invaluable resource for all things related to veterinary rehabilitation. It’s also a great tool to advertise your practice if you’re looking to increase your client base. So check out all of the opportunities we have on Vital Vet. They’re for you, and they’re FREE.
Free services:
List your veterinary practice, including business name and contact information, services offered, pets treated, website (live link), and logo or image. Check the Veterinary Professionals Map to see if you’re included; if not, add your practice.
Post an educational event either on our Professional Calendar or on our E-Learning Page. Just contact us with details.
Post a Classified ad (coming soon). This is a perfect place for you to post if selling used equipment or even your practice. It’s also a great place to list and search for job opportunities within your community.
Check out the Vet Chat Forum (coming soon). It’s your private, members-only venue to connect and share with others.
The field of veterinary rehabilitation is dynamic and evolving, and Vital Vet is responsive to these changes. We continue to add content and provide you with the most current information. Keep checking the site for new opportunities.